Preliminary development of a soft robotic ultrasound steering system

Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging provides
two-dimensional (2D) real-time luminal and transmural
cross-sectional images of intravascular vessels with detailed
pathological information. It has offered significant advantages
in terms of diagnosis and guidance and has been increasingly
introduced from coronary interventions into more generalized
endovascular surgery. However, IVUS itself does not provide
spatial pose information for its generated images, making it
difficult to construct a 3D intravascular visualization. To
address this limitation, IVUS imaging-driven 3D intravascular
reconstruction techniques have been developed. These
techniques enable accuratediagnosis andquantitative
measurements of intravascular diseases to facilitate optimal
treatment determination. Such reconstruction extends the IVUS
imaging modality from pure diagnostic assistance to
intraoperative navigation and guidance and supports both
therapeutic options and interventional operations. This paper
presents a comprehensive survey of technological advances and
recent progress on IVUS imaging-based 3D intravascular
reconstruction and its state-of-the-art applications. Limitations
of existing technologies and prospects of new technologies are
also discussed.
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