2016/2017, Semester 2  Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)

Modular Credits: 4 Class Size: 95

Learning Outcomes

The module aims to introduce students to the applications of engineering statics and dynamics to perform simple force analysis of the musculoskeletal system; give an appreciation of kinematics and kinetics of human motions; apply the fundamentals of mechanics, i.e. stress and strain in biological systems, shear force, bending moment and torsion.

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Draw free body diagrams and identify unknown reaction forces and moments
  2. Solve statically determinate problems involving rigid bodies, pin-jointed structures
  3. Understand the concepts of engineering stress, strain and materials behaviour
  4. Determine the load distributions and corresponding stresses and strains in structures under tension, shear, compression, torsion and bending
  5. Design structures to prevent failure including buckling
  6. Describe the anatomical structures of the major joints and spine of a human body and relate to body movement and functions
  7. Analyze the kinematics & kinetics of human movement
  8. Explain the time dependent behavior of human movement


PC1431 Physics IE

Teaching Modes

Module will consists of Lectures, Tutorials, Labs and Continual Assessment (CA) where:

•   CA will comprise term papers/quizzes (20%) and lab assignments (30%).
•    As such, total CA will constitute 50% of the total marks. The rest of 50% will come from the final examination.





Wk 1: 9 Jan
Wk 2: 16 Jan
Wk 3: 23 Jan
Wk 4: CNY
Wk 5: 6 Feb

Wk 1: –
Wk 2: 19 Jan
Wk 3: –
Wk 4: 2 Feb
Wk 5: 9 Feb

Wk 1: –
Wk 2: 20 Jan
Wk 3: 25 Jan
Wk 4: 1,3 Feb
Wk 5: 8,10 Feb

Prof. Lim Chwee Teck

Wk 6: 13,16 Feb

Wk 6:-

Wk 6:-

A/Prof. Toh Siew Lok

18 – 26 Feb RECESS WEEK

Wk 7: 27 Feb
Wk 8: 6 Mar

Wk 7: 2 Mar
Wk 8: 9 Mar

Wk 7:-
Wk 8:-

Wk 9: 13 Mar
wk 10: 20 Mar
Wk 11: 27 Mar
Wk 12: 3 Apr
Wk 13: 10 Apr

Wk 9: 16 Mar (Quiz)
wk 10: 23 Mar
Wk 11: 30 Mar
Wk 12: 6 Apr
Wk 13: 13 Apr

Wk 9:-15, 17 Mar
wk 10: 22,24 Mar
Wk 11: 29,31 Mar
Wk 12: 5, 7 Apr
Wk 13:-

Asst Prof. Ren Hongliang

Wk 17 Apr

Reading Week

Wk 15: 22 Apr onwards



Lab Group

Lab Time

Exp 1

Exp 2



Wed 2 – 5





Wed 2 – 5





Wed 2 – 5





Wed 2 – 5





Fri  9 – 12





Fri  9 – 12





Fri  9 – 12





Fri  9 – 12




Prof Lim C.T.

  1. Introduction to Biomechanics
  2. Statics applied to Biomechanics
    1. Characteristics of Forces; Static Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
  3. Introduction to Mechanics of Deformable Body
    1. Concept of Stress and Strain
    2. Basic mechanical loads
    3. Behaviour of elastic and viscoelastic materials

Prof Toh S.L.

  1. Indeterminate systems (Axial & Torsion)
  2. Combined stresses
  3. Failure Theories
  4. Fatigue & Endurance

Prof Ren H.L.

  1. Biomechanical analysis of human motion
  2. Body and joint movement
  3. Kinematics – Linear and Angular
  4. Kinetic – Linear and Angular
  5. Gait analysis
  6. Inverse dynamics and link-segment modelling
EG1109/EG1109M Statics and Mechanics of Materials

Workload Components : A-B-C-D-E
A: no. of lecture hours per week
B: no. of tutorial hours per week
C: no. of lab hours per week
D: no. of hours for projects, assignments, fieldwork etc per week
E: no. of hours for preparatory work by a student per week


BN3101: Biomedical Engineering Design

Module Description :

Preparation of formal engineering reports on a series of engineering analysis and design problems illustrating methodology from various branches of applied mechanics as applied to bioengineering problems. Statistical analysis. A term project and oral presentation are required. Students are exposed to the entire design process: design problem definition, generation of a design specification, documentation, design review process, prototype fabrication, testing and calibration.

Note: Lecture to be conducted online. Students need to go through the lecture notes each week before attending tutorials.

Schedule & Tutorials

wk1: Background and clinical descriptions

Tutorial: Background introduction slides (HandExoskeletonIntro.pdf)
A pre-recorded video tutorial for the project introduction:

Selected videos (a playlist of video series):


In-house soft robotic hand

Reference in-house manipulators

wk2: Intellectual Property

Tutorial Agenda:

– Literature review slides – wk2-IP-Literature Review Of Biomimetic Wire-Driven Mechanisms for Swimming/Flying/Medicine (.pdf)

– Present the rough idea of your design concepts

– Do patent search, present &

Follow up actions:

  1. Search for 10 most relevant patents for your projects
  2. Generate keywords using these patents pertaining to your projects
  3. Generate a list of User specifications for your device using this list of 10 related patents. Hint: look for the various features of patented devices, and appreciate the intention of these features
  4. Create a table to compare the 10 patented devices’ features
  5. discuss/present the 3 (1 patent for every 2 members) most related ones for each group


– You may search patents from or

– Patents filed by other groups (deflectable catheter US2013296781A1) | (arthroscope US2007179340A1 )

– Provisional patents filed to ILO by my research group FYI: (soft endoscopic robot) | (cable-driven flexible manipulator)

– How to tell if a patent has expired? It turns out not obvious and please refer to the following readings: Brown & Michaels – “How To Determine Patent Term” USPTO:Patent Term Calculator (Beta Version) Has a patent expired? – Part I

FYI only: Flipped class lectures:
– Week 2 breeze video lecture about IP study:

wk3: Design Methodology and Design Analysis

Tutorial Agenda (with tutors):
Follow the Design Methodology Slides and briefly identify:
– Role of each team member
– Procedure
– Project Plan Schedule
– Rough Needs‐Metrics Matrix

FYI only: Deprecated Flipped class lectures:
– Design Methodology Slides by Prof Leo & Prof Chan: Design Methodology in Bioengineering
– Associated breeze video lecture (also accessible through IVLE):

wk4: Risk Analysis, Design Rationale and Verification

Tutorial Agenda:
– Follow up with week-2 action items and progress update
– Follow the above slides in Design Rationale, Design Verification, and Risk Analysis, briefly/roughly identify:
– How to address “Anatomical Variations” issue
– How to address “User Needs, Product Scope, and Design Acceptance Criteria”
– Failure Mode, Cause of Failure, and Harms associated with your products

FYI only: Deprecated Flipped class lectures:
Risk Analysis Table[.docx]
Design Rationale and Design Verification 2014[.pdf]   breeze lecture (
Risk Management [.pdf]

wk5: Recap IP, Design Justifications, ASTM Assignments

– F1218 – 89(2014) : Standard Specification for Bronchoscopes (Rigid)
– F2726 – 08Standard specification for fixation devices for tracheal tubes and other airway devices
– ASTM F1992 – 99(2007) Standard Practice for Reprocessing of Reusable, Heat Stable Endoscopic Accessory Instruments (EAI) Used with Flexible Endoscopes
ASTM F1518 – 00 Standard Practice for Cleaning and Disinfection of Flexible Fiberoptic and Video Endoscopes Used in the Examination of the Hollow Viscera (Withdrawn 2009)
– Rebuttal documents by my research group FYI: (cable-driven flexible manipulator )

wk6: ASTM presentation


Reference News: the hand grasp testing will have international standard – check out here, which will be excellent references for you to set up your experiments after you have the prototype :

wk7: Mid-term Review

Dr. Ren: Presentation by Groups
– Presentation: 20 minutes for each group (15 presentation +5 QA)
– An extended/refined/polished/justified wrap-ups for the work done in the past 6 weeks, including introduction/background/clinical needs/markets/significance/SOA/gaps-to-fill; IP, design methodology/design analysis/rationale/verification; risk analysis; regulatory; prototyping;envisioned procedures/system etc.

wk8: Sterility Requirements & GLP

– Reference: Highly Biomimetic Design of a Muscle Glove (pdf from a RAL/ICRA 2016 submission 16-0311_01_ms)

wk9: Bioethics, Quiz, & Individual Project Update

Flipped online class: Bioethics (Bioethics and Medical Device.pdf)

Quiz:  1) 50 MCQs; 2) Duration is 1 hour, from 11am; 3) Quiz comprises of MCQs questions from weekly online assessments, and some new MCQs; 4) Closed-Book quiz

Tutorial:  Motorization (slides: MotorControl-Tutorial.pdf) & modeling (slides: tendon-driven-manipulator-kinematics.pdf).

wk10: Final Dry Run with Project Supervisors

wk11: Free Day for Team to Fix any problem with prototype


wk12: Final Oral Presentation of Project

wk13: Submit prototype, reports and final project documents to project supervisor by 5 pm

Please submit soft copy of your report & project data and actual prototype to your respective supervisor. That is:

  • Physically: submit project prototype (including tools borrowed, make also sure the prototype is functional at the time of your submission.) to Dr. Ren
  • Electronically: (dropbox/google-drive or whatever ways preferred) submit to Dr. Ren your group-project development documents including:
    • – reports in .docx format
    • – project presentation files (ASTM and final) in .pptx or equivalents (please make sure the video(s) is playable in another PC if applicable);
    • – CAD design files (in solidworks or equivalents)
    • – if applicable, source codes and a readme file on how to run the code
    • – other key project data (e.g., verification experiment data collected in .xlxs), references including ASTM standards, patents cited, and reference papers, etc.

Further possibilities

Possibility of investing your project and extend it to competitions (Completely voluntary and please discuss with Dr. Ren if for possible further extensions/supports/funding):

  • A manuscript to IJRA or MBEC
  • Samsung Solve For Tomorrow Competition
  • The Design of Medical Devices Conference call for 2-page technical brief (by Nov. 9, pretty easy to get accepted and it can be just a summary of your group project). You only need to follow “the required Technical Brief Template (Word)” (2-page) and get my comments before submission. The benefit is that “All accepted papers will be published as a two-page Technical Brief in the June and September issues of ASME Journal of Medical Devices” after giving the conference presentations and this would be a pretty good record in your CV when you are looking for jobs.

Open source robotic hand projects


More information

BN5209-6209 Neurosensors and Signal Processing/Neurotechnology AY15/16

BN5209/BN6209 Neurosensors and Signal Processing / Neurotechnology Semester 2, 2015/2016


Lecture Time:

  • Tuesday: 3 pm – 6 pm (EA-06-03)


Note: Information contained in this syllabus may be subject to change.

Week Topic
Intro to the Course (NT)
Intro to Neurotechnology  (NT)
Introduction of BioSignal Processing  (HR)
L1-CFT; L2-Stochastic Process/R.V./Moments/PSD
Neural recording methods: Neural circuits, amplifiers, telemetry, stimulation (NT)
Prepare Student Seminarspaper selection
Time-Frequency-Spatial Analysis  STFT (HR)
Feb9 (CNY)
Neural signals (clinical applications)- EEG, evoked potentials (HR)
Lab tutorial for Project I: Neural Signals and Analysis
Recess Feb22
Multiple Dimensional  Signal Processing (HR)
Lab Project II: Application in neural systems
Student Reading Seminars (HR)
Neuro Diagnostic and Therapeutic Devices by NT
Brain machine interfaces  (NT)
Neuromorphic Engineering – Brain Inspired Robotics by SK
Neuroimaging and Image Processing (HR)
Neuroimaging fMRI (HR)
Advanced Neurosignal Processing / Neurosurgical systems (HR)
Apr12 (makeup)
Project Reports (due before final) & presentations (HR, NT)


Course Projects

1. EEG for brain state monitoring
2. EEG/EMG Feature Identification Extension


This module teaches students the advanced neuroengineering principles ranging from basic neuroscience introduction to neurosensing technology as well as advanced signal processing techniques. Major topics include: introduction to neurosciences, neural recording methods, neural circuits, amplifiers, telemetry, stimulation, sensors for measuring the electric field and magnetic field of the brain in relation to brain activities, digitization of brain activities, neural signal processing, brain machine interfaces, neurosurgical systems and applications of neural interfaces. The module is designed for students at Master and PhD levels in Engineering, Science and Medicine.


Basic probability
Basic circuits
Linear algebra (matrix/vector)
Matlab or other programming
Recommended Textbooks: Neural Engineering, Edited by Bin He
Seminar papers


The majority of the course will be in lecture-tutorial format. Some advanced topics will be in the formats of seminar and research presentations.


Take Home Tests (5 for 50%)
Labs/Projects Reports + Presentations (20%)
Seminars (10%)
Take Home Final Exam(20%)

BN5209 Neurosensors and Signal Processing AY14/15

BN5209 Neurosensors and Signal Processing Semester 2, 2014/2015


Time period: 14-Jan-14 To 9-May-14
Lecture Time:

  • Tuesday: 5 pm – 7 pm (E3-06-04)
  • Friday: 5 pm – 7 pm (EA-06-03)


  • Week 1: Jan 13,16
    Intro to the Course (NT,HR)
    Intro to Neurosciences (NT)
  • Week 2: Jan 20,23
    Neural recording methods: Microelectrodes, MEMS, optical neuro sensors (NT)
  • Week 3: Jan 27,30
    Neural recording methods: Neural circuits, amplifiers, telemetry, stimulation (NT)
  • Week 4: Feb 3,6
    Introduction of BioSignal Processing (HR)
  • Week 5: Feb 10,13
    Prepare Student Seminars – paper selection
    Time-Frequency-Spatial Analysis STFT (HR)
  • Week 6: Feb 17, 20(holiday)
    Neural signals (clinical applications)- EEG, evoked potentials (HR)
    Lab tutorial for Project I: Neural Signals and Analysis
  • Recess Week Sat, 22 Feb 2014 ~ Sun, 2 Mar 2014
  • Week 7: Mar 3,6
    Multiple Dimensional Signal Processing (HR)
    Lab Project II: Application in neural systems
  • Week 8: Mar 10,13 (eLearning)
    Student Reading Seminars 5209 (HR)
    Student Reading Seminars 6209 (NT,HR)
  • Week 9: Mar 17,20
    Brain machine interfaces (NT)
  • Week 10: Mar 24,27
    BMI- Neural Spikes (NT)
    Optical imaging: Cellular (microscopy), In Vivo (Speckle, Photoacoustic, OCT) (NT)
  • Week 11: Mar 31, Apr 3
    Neuroimaging and Image Processing (HR)
    Neuroimaging fMRI (HR)
  • Week 12: Apr 7,10
    Advanced Neurosignal Processing / Neurosurgical systems (HR)
    Applications of neural signal processing (HR)
  • Week 13: Apr 14,17
    Project Reports (due before final)/presentations (HR, NT)

Course Projects

1. EEG for brain state monitoring
2. EEG/EMG Feature Identification during Elbow Flexion/Extension


This module teaches students the advanced neuroengineering principles ranging from basic neuroscience introduction to neurosensing technology as well as advanced signal processing techniques. Major topics include: introduction to neurosciences, neural recording methods, neural circuits, amplifiers, telemetry, stimulation, sensors for measuring the electric field and magnetic field of the brain in relation to brain activities, digitization of brain activities, neural signal processing, brain machine interfaces, neurosurgical systems and applications of neural interfaces. The module is designed for students at Master and PhD levels in Engineering, Science and Medicine.


Basic probability
Basic circuits
Linear algebra (matrix/vector)
Matlab or other programming
Recommended Textbooks: Neural Engineering, Edited by Bin He
Seminar papers


The majority of the course will be in lecture-tutorial format. Some advanced topics will be in the formats of seminar and research presentations.


Take Home Tests (5 for 50%)
Labs/Projects Reports + Presentations (2 for 20%)
Seminars (1 for 10%)
Take Home Final Exam(20% )

IVLE Registration and Information


Lectures and Guest Lectures



This is a local copy of the website:

Home-Based Self-Administered Nasopharynscopy

Nasopharynscope is a valuable tool in diagnosing Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in patients since 84% of patients display ulcerations.

Aim: To provide a home-based, affordable and easy-to-use diagnosing kit for detecting Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Key features of 5th Generation

  • Clear viewing with a specially designed camera lens
  • Secure extension and contraction lock
  • Tight fit between nylon strings to ensure good power transmission 
  • Diamond cuts to enhance bending capabilities
  • Optical zoom of up to 5 mm due to shooting mechanism

Bending Capability: >90 degrees

Extension and contraction to evade obstacles

Overall Demonstration of Bending and Zooming capability


  • Outer Diameter: 7 mm
  • Length of extension portion:25 mm
  • Length of bending segment: 25mm
  • Minimum inserted length: 11-15 cm
  • Gear box: 30 by 20 by 30mm
  • Bending angle: 90 degrees bend per side
  • Distal tip mechanism: Optical zoom
  • Material: Polyurethane (Biocompatible)
  • Stent design: Flexibility
  • Flexible guiding tube

Technical Advantages

  • Large bending angle
  • Extending the camera using the spring mechanism to obtain better optical viewing up to 5mm
  • Endoscope is very flexible with the stent design
  • Able to control the bending of the body segments using cable driven mechanism
  • The bending of the endoscope at the entrance can be controlled flexibly by the guiding shaft


From Left: Mr Teo Jing Chun, Dr Ren Hongliang, Mr Un Weiyang, Miss Soh Yan Bing, Mr Ong Jun Hao Edmund
Foreground: Mr Yeow Bok Seng

BN 3101 IVLE Announcements

BN 3101 IVLE Announcements

Note: For your convenience, the following announcements are exactly extracted from IVLE and a PDF version is also attached here: IVLEAllAnnouncements.pdf

by: Aneel Kumar Maheshwari, 31-Oct-2014 11:19 AM.

IVLE: BN3101: BN3101 Director’s Award 

Dear students,This award is given to the group that shows that this module has a significant impact in the working relationship of the group and the learning process of the individual team members.How is this Award being judged?
Each group is to submit a one page write-up of less than 500 words on how this module has benefited the group in general and how it has changed individual members’ views on design of medical device. A general description of your experience would be most appropriate.You will be judged by: 
Your mentors’ perception of the positive impact this course has on your education and your relationship with your peers.Submit by: 
10:00am Monday the 03 Oct 2014.
Please send to Dr. LEO Hwa Liang ( with the following subject title:
BN3101 – Director’s Award Group X
where X is your group number.
Will we be graded on the write-up?
No, you will not be graded on this write-up.  This is an optional submission by the group.
Will any of the awards affect my grade?
None of the awards will affect your grades.
Aneel Kumar
by: Aneel Kumar Maheshwari, 31-Oct-2014 09:44 AM.

IVLE: BN3101: Reminder: submit team Presentation (20min and 5min) onto IVLE Final oral Presentation 

Dear BN3101 Studens:Reminder to submit your team presententation ( 20 mins + 5 mins ) onto IVLE Final oral Presentation folder  by 23:59 Sunday, 2nd Nov 2014.Regards,
Aneel Kumar
by: Aneel Kumar Maheshwari, 28-Oct-2014 03:32 PM.

IVLE: BN3101: BN3101 Oral Presentation Room Booking (Morning and After session)

Presentation to the individual supervisor in individual classroom (morning):EA-02-11 (9am to 12pm): Dr. Leo Groups (12-13)
EA-02-14 (9am to 12pm): Prof. Casey Chan Groups (1-3)
E1-06-04 (9am to 12pm): Dr. Ren Hong Liang Groups (4-6)
E1-06-06(9am to 12pm): Dr. James Kah Groups (7-9)
E1-06-14 (9am to 12pm): Dr. Michael Girard Groups (10-11)Schedule for the Final Afternoon Presentation for top teams
Announce the top team ONLY then. Start at 1:30pm – 2:15pm EA-02-11Refreshment:
2:15pm to 2:30pmPresentation of awards:
by: Aneel Kumar Maheshwari, 28-Oct-2014 02:58 PM.

IVLE: BN3101: BN3101 Final Oral Presentation (03 Nov 2014 on Monday)

Presentation to the individual supervisor in individual classroom (morning):1. Each team present 20 mins + 5-10 mins Q&A. Each presentation may divide the presentation in two or three sections.  Please submit onto IVLE Final oral Presentation folder by 23:59 Sunday 2ndNov the following list:The students are allowed to decide how many sections are there in their presentation and which section they want to present in.
For two sections:
First Section – 1st Member, 2nd Member, 3rd Member
Second Section – 4th Member, 5th Member, 6th Member
For three sections:
First Section – 1st Member, 2nd Member
Second Section – 3rd Member, 4th Member
Third Section – 5th Member, 6th Member
For teams having less than 6 members, any of the sections may have one member less.  The presenter will be announced at the time of presentation.
Guidelines for presentation:
Your presentation must conform to the following:
a. Each group is strictly given 30 min inclusive of Presentation (20 min), Q & A (5-10 min), and Change over (1 min).
b. When your .ppt file is ready, you may upload it onto the IVLE Final Oral Presentation folder
c. Your .ppt file must be submitted by 23:59 Sunday 2nd Nov.
d. You are to submit a 20 minutes presentation power point and 5 minutes abbreviated presentation (in case you are the finalist for the afternoon session).
e. All .ppt file must conform to the following format:
Group X 30 mins Presentation.ppt (X is the Group Number)
Group X 5 mins Presentation.ppt
The 5 minutes presentation in the afternoon should not include video.  For presentation to the individual supervisors, please check with your individual supervisor whether video can be included in the presentation.
Schedule for the Final Morning Presentation
The sequence of presentation will be up to the supervisor to decide.
Suggested start time 9:00 am and end around 12:00pm in individual classroom
Schedule for the Final Afternoon Presentation for top teams
Student can decide who to present.
Announce the top team ONLY then. Start at 1:30pm – 2:15pm EA-02-11
2:30pm pm Presentation of awards (15 minutes)
The following prizes will be given out:
1. Most Innovative Design
2. Most Elegant Instrumentation (Aesthetic and Ergonomic)
3. Most Fundable Design
4. Best Presentation
5. The Prestigious Director’s Award (voted by lecturers and mentors)
The winners of ‘Most Innovative Design’, ‘Most Elegant Instrumentation (Aesthetic and Ergonomic)’ and ‘Most Fundable Design’ will be chosen by means of votes casted by the students, lecturers and mentors. These awards are not graded
3pm Refreshments and Interaction session
All team members must be present throughout their afternoon session Final Presentation (Top 5 finalist).  Attendance will be taken and 0.5 points will be deducted for each team member absent during their respective sessions.  You are welcome to attend part or all of the other sessions.
Reports Submission
All teams have to submit the hard copy reports after the final presentation itself (Friday, 14th November 2014 before 5pm) to Aneel Kumar (Bio-design Lab E3-05-05). A penalty of 1 point will be imposed for each day of late submission of individual report. Please submit soft copy of your report and actual prototype to your respective supervisor.
Aneel Kumar
by: Aneel Kumar Maheshwari, 27-Oct-2014 03:18 PM.

IVLE: BN3101: Peer Assessment 2014

Dear BN3101 Students,The peer assessment exercise is conducted for students to assess their group members’ individual contribution to the project. For each review item you can grade your fellow group members from 0 to 10 by following a general marking standard of:0 = extremely poor;
6 = average;
8 = good;
10 = excellent.To do the peer assessment, please follow the steps of: go to the BN3101 IVLE webpage –> click Project –> click View –> click Project Evaluation (on the left) –> Select Peer Assessment 2014 –> click  Evaluate –> Evaluate your other group members one by one.Please do not routinely assign a high score as this will result in an average score for everyone. For this to work you have to give an honest assessment of your peers. The purpose of the peer assessment is to make minor adjustment within the group.
Your peer assessment rating will not affect other groups. And the rating by individual students is confidential and will not be made known to other group members.
Please complete the Peer Assessment 2014 by 14th Nov 2014 (Friday), 11:59pm; failure to do so, your group members’ project marks based on “team effort” will be affected.
Aneel Kumar
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 09-Oct-2014 04:15 PM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Lecture NotesFilename: Bioethics and Medical Device.pdf
Description: BN3101 – Bioethics and Medical DevicesClick on the filename to download the file.
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 03-Oct-2014 09:32 AM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Lecture NotesFilename: Sterility 2014.pdf
Description: BN3101 – SterilityFilename: GMP-GLP 2014.pdf
Description: BN3101 – GMP – GLPClick on the filename to download the file.
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 22-Sep-2014 09:02 PM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Lecture NotesFilename: Quality_System_Template_2014.pdf
Description: BN3101 – Quality templateClick on the filename to download the file.
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 12-Sep-2014 11:53 AM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Lecture NotesFilename: Review of Regulatory Issues 2014.pdf
Description: BN3101 – Regulatory Affairs lectureClick on the filename to download the file.
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 08-Sep-2014 12:21 PM.

IVLE: BN3101: BN3101 – Accessing ASTM standards in NUS central library

Dear ASTM students,NUS central library hold the ASTM standards, in hardbound (1998 and before) and DVD formats. You will need to sign in for the access of these standards. Remember to bring your thumbdrive to copy the relevant standards.You will not be able to access and download the ASTM standards from the internet as we need to pay to do so.Regards,
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 08-Sep-2014 10:56 AM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : AssignmentsFilename: ASTM Assignments 2014.pdf
Description: BN3101 – For ASTM students only, ASTM assignmentsClick on the filename to download the file.
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 04-Sep-2014 09:22 AM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Lecture NotesFilename: Introduction to the ASTM 2014.pdf
Description: BN3101 – ASTMClick on the filename to download the file.
by: Casey Chan (Ortho), 01-Sep-2014 09:53 PM.

IP Lecture II

There is a live lecture on Monday 8 Sept from 10am to 12 noon at EA 02-11.Please see
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 29-Aug-2014 04:04 PM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Lecture NotesFilename: Risk Management 2014.pdf
Description: BN3101 – Risk managementFilename: Design Rationale and Design Verification 2014.pdf
Description: BN3101 – Design Rationale and Design VerificationClick on the filename to download the file.
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 29-Aug-2014 03:59 PM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Lecture NotesFilename: Risk Analysis Table.docx
Description: BN3101 – Risk analysis tableClick on the filename to download the file.
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 25-Aug-2014 04:44 PM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Lecture NotesFilename: Design Analysis Tutorial.pdf
Description: BN3101 – Design Analysis slidesClick on the filename to download the file.
by: Aneel Kumar Maheshwari, 21-Aug-2014 12:00 AM.

Design Analysis Exercise ( Divided in Two time Slots)

Dear BN3101 Students,Design Analysis Exercise will be divided into two time Slots.Slot 1: (Group 1 – Group 7) and time :  1pm to 2pm on 25 August 2014 at EA-02-11
Slot 2: (Group 8 – Group 13) and time: 2pm to 3pm on 25 August 2014 at EA-02-11Reagrds,
Aneel Kumar
by: Aneel Kumar Maheshwari, 20-Aug-2014 12:00 AM.

BN3101 booking of machines in the design studio

Dear BN3101 supervisors,This semester both BN3101 and BN2103 will be using the Design Studio.To avoid problems, we set up an online booking system accessible (within NUS or VPN) at:
This applies to all the “workshop” machines in the lab like mill, lathe, saw, etc (not the Instron).
Please let your students know that if they want guaranteed time on the machine they will need to book. Students who booked the machine will have top priority in using the machine during the booked time slot.
The following restrictions on bookings apply (the system automatically detects violations of the rules ):
– Each single booking can last no more than 2 hours
– Each student can book a maximum of 4 hours per week per machine
Each BN3101 group will have an account with username BN3101_X (where X is the group number). Password is the same as the user name. Students may change it from the system later if they want to.
Kindly contact with Aneel, so he can creates the account for your groups.
Dr. Leo
by: Michael Girard, 12-Aug-2014 04:31 PM.

New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Groups 10-11Filename: BN3101 Iris Expander – Groups 10-11.pdf
Description: For Groups 10&11: Iris Expander – Project Description and General InfosClick on the filename to download the file.
by: James Kah, 11-Aug-2014 03:36 PM.
New Files in Workbin – BN3101 : BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN – 2014

New Files :
Folder Name : Group 7 to 9Filename: 140809 Consumer Diagnostics – Project Introduction.pptx
Description:Filename: BN3101-Timetable_2014.xls
Description:Filename: Quality_System_Template_2012.pdf
Description:Click on the filename to download the file.
by: Casey Chan (Ortho), 11-Aug-2014 12:00 AM.
IP Lecture I
This is the first of two lectures on Intellectual Properties.  The link for the lecture and the accompanying notes is here. The 2nd lecture is scheduled for early Sept.
by: Leo Hwa Liang, 08-Aug-2014 03:44 PM.
IVLE: BN3101: Uploading of Introduction to BN3101 slides
Dear students, I have just uploaded the introduction slides for the Monday BN3101 orientation. This is the first of a series of online lectures throughout this semester.Regards,
by: Aneel Kumar Maheshwari, 07-Aug-2014 02:15 PM.
BN3101 Groups
Dear Students,Welcome to BN3101 students.A Gentle reminder for BN3101 orientation lecture on Monday at 10am (EA-02-11) and also you can see the project supervisors and groups on IVLE.See you all soon.
Dr. Leo

BN5209 Neurosensors and Signal Processing AY13/14

BN5209 Neurosensors and Signal Processing Semester 2, 2013/2014


Time period: 14-Jan-14 To 9-May-14
Lecture Time:

  • Tuesday: 5 pm – 7 pm (SINAPSE)
  • Thursday: 5 pm – 7 pm (SINAPSE)


  • Week 1: Mon 13 Jan – Fri 17 Jan
    Introduction to the Course and Introduction to Neurosciences, Neurophysiology
  • Week 2: Mon 20 Jan – Fri 24 Jan
    Neural recording methods: Microelectrodes, MEMS, optical neuro sensors
    (Notes) (Quiz)
  • Week 3: Mon 27 Jan – Fri 31 Jan
    Neural recording methods: Neural circuits, amplifiers, telemetry, stimulation
    (Notes)(Quiz 1, Quiz 2)
  • Week 4: Mon 3 Feb – Fri 7 Feb
    Introduction of Signal Processing (Notes)
  • Week 5: Mon 10 Feb – Fri 14 Feb
    Neural signals (basic science) – action potentials (spikes) and analysis
  • Week 6: Mon 17 Feb – Fri 21 Feb
    Neural signals (clinical applications)- EEG, evoked potentials
  • Recess Week Sat, 22 Feb 2014 ~ Sun, 2 Mar 2014
  • Week 7: Mon 3 Mar – Fri 7 Mar
    Brain machine interfaces (Notes)
  • Week 8: 10 Mar – Fri 14 Mar
    Multiple Dimensional Signal Processing (Notes) (Quiz)
  • Week 9: Mon 17 Mar – Fri 21 Mar
    Neuroimaging and Neurosurgery (Notes)
  • Week 10: Mon 24 Mar – Fri 28 Mar
    Neurosurgical systems and Microscopic Imaging
  • Week 11: Mon 31 Mar – Fri 4 Apr
    Optical imaging: Cellular (microscopy), In Vivo (speckle, Photoacoustic, OCT)
  • Week 12: Mon 7 Apr – Fri 11 Apr
    Applications of neural interfaces (peripheral and central cortical)
  • Week 13: Mon 14 Apr – Fri 18 Apr
    Project Reports/presentations

Course Projects

Please log in dropbox to view the materials.
1. EEG for brain state monitoring
2. EEG/EMG Feature Identification during Elbow Flexion/Extension


This module teaches students the advanced neuroengineering principles ranging from basic neuroscience introduction to neurosensing technology as well as advanced signal processing techniques.  Major topics include: introduction to neurosciences, neural recording methods, neural circuits, amplifiers, telemetry, stimulation, sensors for measuring the electric field and magnetic field of the brain in relation to brain activities, digitization of brain activities, neural signal processing, brain machine interfaces, neurosurgical systems and applications of neural interfaces. The module is designed for students at Master and PhD levels in Engineering, Science and Medicine.


Basic probability
Basic circuits
Linear algebra (matrix/vector)
Matlab or other programming
Recommended Textbooks: Neural Engineering, Edited by Bin He


The majority of the course will be in lecture-tutorial format. Some advanced topics will be in the formats of seminar and research presentations.


In Class Quizzes (10 for 20% grade)
Take Home Tests (2 for 50% or Exam)
Labs/Projects (3 for 30%)

IVLE Registration and Information


Lectures and Guest Lectures


BN5209 Neurosensors and Signal Processing AY12/13

BN5209 Neurosensors and Signal Processing Semester 2, 2012/2013


Time period: 15-Jan-13 To 10-May-13
Lecture Time:

  • Tuesday: 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm (SINAPSE)
  • Thursday: 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm (SINAPSE)


  • Week 1: Mon 14 Jan – Fri 18 Jan 2013
    Introduction to the Course and Introduction to Neurosciences, Neurophysiology
  • Week 2: Mon 21 Jan – Fri 25 Jan 2013
    Neural recording methods: Microelectrodes, MEMS, optical neuro sensors
    (Notes) (Quiz)
  • Week 3: Mon 28 Jan – Fri 1 Feb 2013
    Neural recording methods: Neural circuits, amplifiers, telemetry, stimulation
    (Notes)(Quiz 1, Quiz 2)
  • Week 4: Mon 4 Feb – Fri 8 Feb 2013
    Introduction of Signal Processing (Notes)
  • Week 5: Mon 11 Feb – Fri 15 Feb 2013
    Neural signals (basic science) – action potentials (spikes) and analysis
  • Week 6: Mon 18 Feb – Fri 22 Feb 2013
    Neural signals (clinical applications)- EEG, evoked potentials
  • Week 7: Mon 4 Mar – Fri 8 Mar 2013
    Brain machine interfaces (Notes)
  • Week 8: 11 Mar – Fri 15 Mar 2013
    Multiple Dimensional Signal Processing (Notes) (Quiz)
  • Week 9: Mon 18 Mar – Fri 22 Mar 2013
    Neuroimaging and Neurosurgery (Notes)
  • Week 10: Mon 25 Mar – Fri 29 Mar 2013
    Optical imaging: Cellular (microscopy), In Vivo (speckle, Photoacoustic, OCT)
  • Week 11: Mon 1 Apr – Fri 5 Apr 2013
    Neurosurgical systems and Image Processing
  • Week 12: Mon 8 Apr – Fri 12 Apr 2013
    Applications of neural interfaces (peripheral and central cortical)
  • Week 13: Mon 15 Apr – Fri 19 Apr 2013
    Project Reports/presentations

Course Projects

Please log in dropbox to view the materials.
1. EEG for brain state monitoring
2. EEG/EMG Feature Identification during Elbow Flexion/Extension


This module teaches students the advanced neuroengineering principles ranging from basic neuroscience introduction to neurosensing technology as well as advanced signal processing techniques.  Major topics include: introduction to neurosciences, neural recording methods, neural circuits, amplifiers, telemetry, stimulation, sensors for measuring the electric field and magnetic field of the brain in relation to brain activities, digitization of brain activities, neural signal processing, brain machine interfaces, neurosurgical systems and applications of neural interfaces. The module is designed for students at Master and PhD levels in Engineering, Science and Medicine.


Basic probability
Basic circuits
Linear algebra (matrix/vector)
Matlab or other programming
Recommended Textbooks: Neural Engineering, Edited by Bin He


The majority of the course will be in lecture-tutorial format. Some advanced topics will be in the formats of seminar and research presentations.


In Class Quizzes (10 for 20% grade)
Take Home Tests (2 for 50% or Exam)
Labs/Projects (3 for 30%)

IVLE Registration and Information


Lectures and Guest Lectures


BN5209 Neurosensors and Signal Processing (10/11)

Course information from IVLE – Integrated Virtual Learning Environment

Module Code BN5209 (2010/2011 Semester 2)
Description This module teaches students the electrical and magnetic field of the human brain in relation to the brain activities and methods for sensing the electrical and magnetic field of human brain in relation to brain activities. Major topics include: the electric and magnetic field of the brain in relation to brain activities, sensors for measuring the electric field and magnetic field of the brain in relation to brain activities, digitization of brain activities – neural waves, characterization of neural waves, neural power map and neural matrix brain activity pattern recognition using neural power map and neural matrix, and applications of brain activity monitoring. The module is designed for students at Master and PhD levels in Engineering, Science and Medicine.
Module Credit 4
Workload 2-0-1-0-7

More Information can be found from IVLE – Integrated Virtual Learning Environment.