Magnetically Actuated Minimally Invasive Microbots for Biomedical Applications


This chapter elucidates comprehensive overview of magnetically actuated microbots for various biomedical applications, discover recent developments and show a possible future scope and challenges therein. We confine our biomedical applications and present state of the art mostly related to translational research and near term deliverable possibilities to make in vivo applications. We will first demonstrate a brief overview of the potential medical applications and recent state of the art magnetically actuated microbots. After that, we will briefly touch upon various aspects of magnetically driven magneto-responsive microcapsules for targeted Drug Delivery (TDD) applications. In this part, we will provide a brief literature review in the nexus of magnetic micro robotics with design specifications for drug delivery. Finally, we will illustrate magnetically manipulated self-propelled microjets for biosensing as future perspectives.

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Magnetically Actuated Minimally Invasive… (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed May 30 2018].

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